

Hi! My name is Dave Gonzalez. I’m just a guy who wants to bake everything, and then blog all about it! I live in Seattle with my husband Ben. Sometimes I call him HusBen. I’m an information and referral specialist by day who is obsessed with cooking, baking, and creating in my spare time.

I feel like this is where I need to put the disclaimer, so here goes: I will always strive to write and describe recipes as accurately as I can, I do not make a good liar, but do try these at your own risk. I will say that most of them make sense and turn out fine, but I can’t guarantee every recipe will turn out as I describe. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about any recipe, and I will try to answer your questions as best I can. I stand by these recipes, but I’m also not a professional baker or chef. Just a guy who enjoys sharing my little baking world from my humble little kitchen. Also please message me if you notice anything that needs correcting, or even if you just want to compliment me. I take those pretty well. 😉

Also, you can follow me on instagram: @davegonzalezbakes



Marge (1994-2014)


Pogi (born 11/2010)

© Dave Gonzalez and DaveBakes, 2013-2022. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dave Gonzalez and DaveBakes with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

my foodgawker gallery

59 responses to “About”

  1. Dave, an excellent start you’ve got going here. I’ll be checking in very often, most likely. Who can stay away when you serve so much deliciousness! 🙂


  2. Hi Dave! I’ve nominated you for the WordPress Family Award, check it out! http://ifyougiveablondeakitchen.wordpress.com/2013/12/04/wordpress-family-award/


  3. Hi Dave, I’ve also nominated you for the WordPress Family Award!


  4. Hey! Thanks for stopping by fellow Seattleite! Nice blog you have here, looking forward to digging in and studying some of your recipes.


  5. Great stuff, Dave! I used to live in Seattle on Queen Anne… miss the city, but not the weather. Hpwever, It IS great baking weather! I’m looking forward to reading trough your blog. Cheers – Jeff


    • Thanks, Jeff! I am looking forward to seeing more of your posts and pictures. I live on the eastern side of Queen Anne overlooking the Lake Union side. You are right, it weather is great for baking. See you. Have a good rest of the week!


  6. Hi there! I just wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for the dragon’s loyalty award. Acceptance is optional of course, but if you’re interested then please check out this link:


  7. Hi Dave,
    I just added you to my ‘Food Blogs’ board on Pinterest. I’ve tried to add you to my bloglovin account and it doesn’t list you. Would you consider joining Bloglovin so I can add you there? I would love that. Hey, and give Marge a tweak of the tail for me..my cat loves it…it’s like a ‘love thing’. Enjoy the rest of you Sunday afternoon!
    Janelle / Calif. =^..^=


    • Thanks Janelle! I just signed up and so you can definitely follow me on Bloglovin. Never heard of it, but looks like it could increase traffic, so why not? I can’t believe how many people find me through Pinterest. I’m relatively new to the whole blogging world, but so far, it’s been fun. You too! Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


  8. Ciao Dave!

    I was wondering if you’d be interested in participating in the Writing Process Blog Tour. It’s not obligatory, but it is quite fun, and I’d love to see what your responses are. My posting date will be the 9th of June, and yours will be the 16th of June – but don’t worry, I’m not going to enforce that! If you can’t make it, you can’t make it. And the posting date for the three people you pick in turn will be the 23rd of june, and the people they pick will post on the 30th, etc.

    So pretty much all you need to do is:

    Step 1: Acknowledge the person and the site that involved you in the blog tour. My blog is http://ineedafeed.wordpress.com
    Step 2: Answer the 4 questions below about your writing process.

    1. What are you working on?
    2. How does your work differ from others of its genre?
    3. Why do you write what you do?
    4. How does your writing process work?

    Step 3: Say who your three choices of bloggers are, and give a brief bio and link to the website of each of them. Again, their date will be the 23rd of june.

    So please let me know whether you’re interested in taking part or not as soon as possible. And have a fantastic day!



    • Nell,
      Thanks for thinking of me, but I’d rather not. As much time as I already spend on my blog and making stuff, I also have a few other things right now in my life that also take up a lot of time, and so I can’t commit to anything, even this. Sorry!! But I wish you well with your writing process blog tour, and with your blog! I look forward to seeing more of your blog posts and sharing what I’ve got! Best wishes!!


  9. Wonderful blog, Dave. One of the things I like most about Fiesta Fridays are all of the new people I get to meet each week. 🙂


  10. Hey Dave, I’m not stalking you, I swear lol, but your blog is like food porn for me, anyhow:) do you want to join our WP group board on Pinterest? Here’s my post about it http://wp.me/p4eIMh-dV Let me know if you are interested. Would love to have you:)


  11. Glad I found you! Your blog + recipes are awesome, I can’t wait to try out that smart cake soon! I’ve seen that floating all over the internet as well but never knew how it truthfully turns out/tastes. Take care and see you around 🙂


    • Hi Hayley, It’s a popular recipe. I had to make it twice before it came out the way I wanted, though. Thanks for stopping by!


  12. Hi Dave! I just had to come over after seeing your Magic cake on Little sweet baker blog. It’s one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a while. Your blog looks amazing too. My husband and I just were in Seattle a couple weeks ago and had a ball!


    • Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. This recipe is not mine, as much as I’d like to claim it so. Whomever the credit goes to, I’m really glad to have been a part of it. It actually brings a lot of traffic to my blog. Glad you had a ball at my city! I love Seattle. To paraphrase Grace Jones, It’s not perfect, but it’s perfect for me! Have a great day!


      • Thank you so much for stopping by. There is beauty in everything. We just have to be willing to look for it. You have a great weekend Dave!

        Liked by 1 person

  13. I am a huge fan of your baked goodies. Wish I was in the neighborhood 😀 Thank you for stopping by my blog. Please do keep visiting 🙂


  14. Glad I saw you’d stopped by my blog, as it lead me to yours 🙂 Your ginger fig muffins have inspired me to make something similar. Good stuff! Looking forward to seeing more from you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Thanks for blogging this guguria recipe. I just had some homemade ones that a friend’s mom had sent from Guam. I’ve always had Tita’s and it never occurred to me to make my own! S

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Hafa Adai! I was so happy to come across your recipe for guguria. I just had some homemade ones at a friend’s house (her mom had sent her a care package). They were delicious! I’ve always just had the ones Tita’s ones. Now, I can’t wait to make these myself.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s great! Let me know if you have any questions, I know sometimes I suck at writing recipes clearly.


  17. Hi Dave! I’ve nominated you a Versatile Blogger Award. No obligation to participate, just want to send you some love! 🙂 Have a great week ahead!


    • Hi Mary,
      Sorry, I don’t have any recipes set up for that, but you are welcome to copy and paste into a document to print out.


  18. […] Dave Bakes – Dave bakes some mouth-watering stuff! Click here to see his Pistachio cake w/ Coffee Glaze. […]


  19. I see you have two tuxedo cats! Nice ✬🌠✬ and I like your blog. I invite you to my blog https://simplysplendidfood.com

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Great to meet you Dave! Took one look at your homepage and just knew I had to drop by to see who the baker was. You have such a great recipe selection here! Looking forward to reading – I hope you can check out mine as well. All the best, Ellanor 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Hi Dave,

    I noticed that a restaurant in upstate NY is stealing your pictures to use on their restaurants business facebook page. I can email you the images if you’d like. Here is the link to their facebook page :



    • Thanks so much!! I have been alerted to it by someone on Facebook unknown to me and reported it by clicking on the image and selecting “intellectual property” as the reason. It’s really an awful thing they are doing, but I don’t expect that they will bother to take it down unless a ton of other people also report it to Facebook. I have to file a report now at the Help Center on FB, which I have no idea how to do, so tomorrow, I’ll be trying to figure it out to do that when I have a break at my work. Fun times! Thanks again! I really appreciate you and the other person that alerted me on FB.


    • It was taken down and they sent me this lame reply to my initial request to remove the photo: “Our apologies, the person who posted it did not know better but now does. It has been removed.” I learned also from someone that the hotel that owns and runs the restaurant is going into foreclosure and owes 5 million to a bank for past loans and late fees.


  22. Thank you so much for taking time to read and follow my blog. I appreciate it much! Yours is a beautiful one. I will look forward to reading more of your posts…:)

    Liked by 1 person

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